Category Archives: Uncategorized

Holiday Traditions Are Important!


Goodness me! What a busy year it’s been for me. So much running around: balancing bills on our tiny budget (yes we live under the poverty line), making sure food stays in the fridge (learning new recipes to stretch out our amount of food stamps we’re allowed every month), keeping things clean, making sure the husband and our cat are happy. Boy, I’m tired! However, this is not the reasoning behind this post – however, if you’d like more information on what I do to live on such a tight budget let me know, I’ll be happy to make more posts on that. I’m here to talk about holiday traditions. I’ll be using Christmas, but any holiday that’s celebrated should be packed full of traditions.

I’m not speaking about traditions that everyone says you should have, although I use some of those too. I’m talking about traditions that your family creates for themselves; something to add to the holiday that makes it unique and memorable. I know you may say, “but that’ll cost extra”… well, that depends. I’ll share a small list of traditions I’ve picked up, both from my childhood and from my position as a wife.

  • Childhood – My parents, every Christmas morning, would make my sister and I wait upstairs (can be done just by staying in a room) while they made their way down to start choosing the Christmas music they want to play for that year, make their pot of coffee, get breakfast (baked ham & apples) started. They made us wait for what felt like forever, which added to our excitement – as we were always so eager to charge down the stairs when we were finally called. The music playing, the aroma of breakfast, and the lit tree with everything organized the way they wanted us to see it.
  • Childhood – Every Christmas Eve, to break in Christmas, we would go to our church for the midnight service. This always gave me something to do instead of sitting at home, twiddling my thumbs while watching the clock all but actually slow time in front of my eyes. By Christmas Eve there’s normally nothing but reruns on, as I had already watched as many holiday movies as my little brain could possibly pack in. It brought peace to my mind to listen to my mother, who sang in the choir, and to sit with my dad whilst holding his hand; my sister sitting on the other side of him. Our pastor there always made sure to add a little fun for us and other children who would show up for that service. It was always enjoyable, that feeling while traveling back home, that it was Christmas. However, falling asleep after that was always super difficult – as stated in my first bullet, we were made to wait for Christmas morning, and then what my parents wanted to do.
  • Childhood & Now – Putting the tree up has always, in my life, been a family event. Putting a Christmas tree together, as a family, always adds to everyone’s enjoyment, as everyone has equal say where placement of anything goes. Except my mother’s village under the tree, that was all hers. My grandpa, at their house, had his own toy train that would run a track around the base of the tree. My birth mother (yes, adopted and I know both mothers), who adds as many teddy bear ornaments as she can find and made sure that me, around the age of 28, created a childhood ornament just for her tree to go along with my half siblings. I used my other hand to write, so it appeared authentic. Anything extra that can be added, whether handmade, or a tradition that one member loves to add by themselves – they are all so super important.
  • Childhood & Now – Every December, growing up, my father would make many big pitchers (over the month not all together) of homemade eggnog. This is not your typical eggnog, it tastes more like melted ice cream than that weird off flavor of the stuff from the carton (SO much better tasting than the carton!). It wasn’t until after I was moved out of the house and was in a serious relationship that I finally asked him for the recipe. Now, it’s a tradition that he and I both make it every year. Even though I’m living miles away from home – one sip of that eggnog and it feels like a hug from my dad.
  • Now – Ever since my husband and I were given a boxed tree to use from my loving brother, we’ve been working hard at adding our own uniqueness to it every year. Even though that tree is retired now, but the tradition continues with our new tree. Every year, we both pick out one ornament at the store (each) that we enjoy. Slowly, we are needing the basic tree ornament balls less as we run out of room adding a little more each year. They are marked on the bottom with the year and which one of us picked it out. So many memories hanging on our tree.
  • Now – Another tradition we do each year is add two new cocoa mugs to our collection (2 of the same). I’m not sure how long we’ll be able to do this before running out of cupboard space, but each mug has memories. It’s nice to hold a hot cocoa in a mug we bought years ago, feeling the warmth of a memory in my hands.

All of these traditions mean so much to me and fill my heart with joy and love. Knowing that I get to look forward to so much every Christmas helps me to keep the Christmas spirit and pushes me to work so hard to create more joy for those around me – which isn’t that hard, but traditions are so very important to me. I’ll tell you why…

Traditions – no matter how poor or rich you are, no matter how much you can give, no matter how much you’ll receive, will be there with you & for you every single year. I don’t remember many of my gifts growing up, I can’t even remember every present I got last year… but I do remember the traditions. They are what remain in your heart and you mind for many years. What counts it the love you put into showing your family how much you care, whether or not you can buy anything at all.

Traditions matter. They are important. Happy Holidays to everyone.

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Posted by on December 22, 2015 in Uncategorized


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Fall Cleaning – Clutter Beware!


Well, I didn’t get but an hour’s sleep and couldn’t get back to it. I may as well write for a few minutes then go back and try again. I’m hoping that clearing my mind a little of what I need to do may help ease my mind into a better slumber.

I was folding some laundry last night – something that I had put off for too long. I came to a huge realization when I went to put what I folded away; our closet is full, as are our drawers. I had no space to put what I was able to finish folding and I just got absolutely frustrated. It was then I realized that I had missed out on the popular practice of spring cleaning… so I’ve decided that I’m going to do that during the fall when temperatures begin getting more comfortable (to me – to each their own on temperature comfort).

In order for me to be able to scrub from top to bottom, I am going to have to go on a clutter purge. This is something I thought I had done, rather well, before our move here a little over a year ago. We threw away a lot, we gave a large amount of items to Goodwill, and I felt a lot better with less clutter. Sitting here, in a place larger than our apartment was, I still feel surrounded by clutter. I need to dig myself out and find peace of mind; I’m sick of holding onto items that I haven’t used in years!

Here is my current plan:

  1.  I did some reading about purging clutter, again, to remind myself of some of the regular checklist items (do you need it, do you use it, etc.). Since I have a little experience at this under my belt, I’ve decided to follow a clutter challenge that I found. I’m not considering it a challenge – merely a starting point – but it’s a good one. The challenge is to get rid of 50 items… I think I can do that! I’m making this my goal for the rest of this month. I will not be counting clothing into that 50 items, that would make it too easy and a lot of clothes are going to be leaving anyway… it’s not a challenge, just the inevitable.
  2. Next month, I will be continuing my clutter purge. This is most likely where a lot of the clothes are going to go (although I’m sure I’ll rid myself of some during step 1). This will be the part where I question certain clothing items – seeing if they fit, do I have plans to wear it, etc.
  3. According to a quick look on Google, fall/Autumn will be starting the 23rd of September. So for the first half of September I will be doing a secondary full sweep over everything I own to take out items that I was on the fence about, or items that I may have missed, or areas that I forgot to even go through (I can see that happening to me, easy). At the end of September, I will be starting my cleaning… of… well.. everything.

I would like to enjoy the Halloween season clutter free, happy, and relaxed. Even if I don’t finish the cleaning process by the beginning of October, I still have the most of that month to get things done. I believe that decorative items will be the toughest challenge for me. I’ve never gone out to buy specifically to decorate any area of any place I’ve ever lived… unless you count knickknacks. I want to have the room to plan a better looking living space.

I could use all the support I can get on this… some cheering on… tips/tricks that could help speed the process… anything that you think I should add to my goals. Even if nobody responds, I’m going to conquer my clutter and take the handles on my life back up. I’ve let everything roam free and I need to pull it in and enjoy life to the best of my abilities.

Have a good one, everyone. Thanks for reading. 🙂

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Posted by on July 13, 2015 in Uncategorized


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Social Security Needs A Major Overhaul (2015)

(Thank you Google Images for this picture. I claim no rights to it.)

As lucky as I am to have loving family that is willing to allow me to stay, currently, in a trailer they would rather sell, I can’t say that becoming homeless isn’t one of my worst fears. I see more and more, over the years, how people with disabilities (due to lack of a decent benefit amount) are being pushed out into the streets. I thought it would be a good idea to give and up-to-date status of what we go through. I’ve seen other blogs on this subject, from different years, and they all say the same thing: people that need help, need more to live a healthy life. I am here to follow through and perhaps be the blogger this year that touches this subject. I’m hoping that, somewhere down the line, a president will take heed of all these blog posts and say: “Wow… this has gone on for far too long!”

I will begin by stating that all the stealing of funds for people who are in need of this money needs to stop. All the people who play the system, all the higher-ups (congress/president) need to stop having a blast off of what could put so many people into secure housing, and to add (last but not least) all the drama about arresting people who assist the homeless by giving them food… it’s nonsense! People who are homeless are not criminals… it’s the ones who keep the benefits way too low for anyone’s good who are the ones that need a good whacking with a police stick. Shame on them for even thinking this is enough, and I dare every single one of them to live a month off of what they would get on benefit (SSI specifically). Let’s see how confident they feel then, and let’s see how successful they are at finding a place to lay their head other than a cardboard box.

As for my own personal story on this, I am disabled with 2 lower spinal conditions. I have difficulty walking, but am still stubborn to not use the motorized carts at a grocery store as I’m able to use a push cart to hold myself up and would rather those who are worse off than I have them available as needed (although, some days it has crossed my mind). I also deal with social phobia and manic depression, both make it quite difficult to go out in public spaces and make me not a very likely candidate for gainful employment… not to mention throughout the day I have to take breaks with my feet up to relax my back. Even though I have had jobs in the past, I was unable to gain the required work credits to be placed on SSDI (I’ll get more into that in a sec.) and have to use extreme budgeting just to keep myself and my husband afloat, with the help from family on our residence… for now.

Here’s the part that makes no sense to me.

A judge deemed me disabled. Doctors have deemed me disabled. Social security office accepts those rulings and assist me because I’m disabled. Yet they put me on SSI. SSI, which stands for Supplemental Security Income, is meant for those who need to SUPPLEMENT their already existing income.I have no existing income other than my SSI benefit.

The rules to keep this program going are ridiculous! SSI for 2015 pays out a maximum of $733 a month for an individual, or $1,100 for couples when both are on SSI. Have you researched what 1 bedroom apartments are going for these days (plus the added rule that apartment complexes want you to make 3 times the amount they’re asking per month to ensure you can pay them)? Social Security has ZERO coverage for rent or utilities (this covers both SSI and SSDI)…. so where are we, who cannot work, supposed to find this extra money to afford a place to live? Everywhere I look suggests HUD housing / Section 8…. who NEVER has any openings for new applicants. It feels like a slap in the face. This keeps many who are on SSI in fear of many things: attempting to find work even if they feel they can’t to try to live off the streets, not being able to afford much more than a bicycle for transportation (or bus pass), fear of running out of the food they’re able to purchase using food stamps because everything else costs so darn much. If someone on SSI earns more than $65 a month in wages, the SSI benefit amount begins to go down. This program should NOT be allowed to be a punishment for disabled who cannot work to pay into the system. How are we supposed to feel secure?

Then there’s the SSDI program, that pays out a lot more and allows for a lot more income before they begin reducing the benefits. The SSDI program does not put a limit on the amount of assets or unearned income you have (or income that your spouse may earn), unlike the low-income disability program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI). On SSI, my husband’s work income was counted against my benefit, which lead to nothing but struggle. Those who are approved for these benefits receive monthly SSDI payments determined by their respective earnings records (the average amount is $1,165 in 2015). What I would LOVE to do with an extra $432 a month! I would be able to afford a small apartment. I may even be able to ditch my 1996 Ford Ranger for a vehicle with working air conditioning and that doesn’t sound like it’s about to fall apart at any moment. But no, those who get SSDI paid out more so they get more… and from some of the people I’ve spoken with… they feel absolutely entitled to be “above” those of us who could not gain these coveted “credits”.

At any rate!!… Things really need to change. Rent prices need to go down, or SS benefits need to go WAY up to match. SS needs to include rent/utilities into the benefits programs. Security is in their name, and I feel like I’m about to fall off a cliff with no bungee and sharp rocks at the bottom. I do not feel secure in any way, shape, or form. Something has to change! Someone needs to step into the higher office and fix this. Otherwise, a very large percentage of this country is going to be homeless… or worse.

Thanks for reading. Hope my babble here wasn’t too much. I hope someone that is able to fix this problem sees this post. We are in dire need of help, and have no way of getting it… and it’s deeply depressing a good amount of people who live here in this country.


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Posted by on May 31, 2015 in Uncategorized


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Dirty Laundry Needs Washing – Not Airing


(Thank you Google Images – I claim no rights to this meme.)

People really need to stop airing their dirty laundry on Facebook… and I’m not talking about photos of your nasty undies. I’m sure we’ve all done it, at least a little. I know that I was guilty of this before and, thanks to some honest family members, I have made my best attempt at not making a public announcement of my disappointments in life. Now I’m sitting where they were a few years ago… watching others post the negativity in their life, including a break up. It’s difficult not to tell them, because I am not their family, so I’ve come to my own personal space in hopes that some will see this and say “hey, maybe she has a point.” So this is my way of saying to you, my friends, stop bickering over Facebook! After all, a negative post about someone makes both the person posting AND the person they’re talking about look bad ON A GLOBAL LEVEL. Facebook is not just used by Americans… (or if you’re from elsewhere, wherever you are from). Also, let’s be honest… it’s not only hurting your own relationship, but both sides of the family who end up reading it as well (which can include children).

Throughout my own life, I’ve always had better release from my feelings when I write, or type, them out. I would like to extend to you some of the other, more private ways, I have been able to go off on an atomic level and keep it to myself. Writing is a great way to find some therapy for yourself without needing to doll out cash to see one that’ll end up telling you some of these same techniques (yes, I’ve heard them from therapists.) There is another avenue if you would like to make a public beef about your life that’s a little less… public. I’ll explain that one first.

**Side Note: I am not a therapist, doctor, or otherwise. I am just sharing what has helped me out to live a happier life. Whether you are single, in a relationship, married, divorced, and most easily “It’s Complicated…”**

I know you’re thinking… but you said not to air publicly! Just listen a minute.

In a blog, you can be whoever you want to be. You can live by a nickname, and use the same nickname to make a free e-mail account to sign up for a free blog. Costing no money, would it not be better to always let people think it’s someone else’s raging? Firstly, this can allow you to air out still publicly… yet not publicly because they have no idea it’s you. (No, I would not connect this to any other social media sites… the use of tags alone will draw random people to read your stuff).
**This method may cause people you don’t know to comment the same things you don’t enjoy reading in the comment section on Facebook.**

At the opposite end, blogs can also be used as free. online. personal journals. A blog can be set to private where you, and you alone unless you allow another to read it, can just type out your frustration without needing to worry about any type of repercussion from anywhere. Let your feelings out, think on them, re-read what you’ve written… and see if you feel the same way after you’ve calmed down a bit.

Journal / Notebook
Sometimes writing out by hand is quite helpful. You are angry, you feel your blood boiling over, so you whip out a pen and your journal or notebook. You start writing out all your frustrations and, from what I’ve noticed, by the time I’m mid-rant… I’ve noticed my hand has begun to hurt. This, at least for me, triggers me to calm down a little so I can loosen my grip and pressure I’m putting on the pen. My writing begins to not seem so jagged and by the time I finished writing out my rant, my hand is still feeling that throb. This is a reminder after I’ve closed my journal that I’ve just let a lot out. I often feel better afterwards and find it easier to want to do something productive instead of destructive. No longer do I feel the want to throw things, yell at someone, or worse. (No, I’m not homicidal.. NOR am I suicidal… you jerks, what are ya thinking?)

In a relationship, if both sides can do this at the same time instead of arguing it out, the throb in both their hands should keep a constant reminder to themselves to keep their cool. It would aid in talking things out, depending on severity of the argument. Sometimes it may be best to just swap journals (if you’re wanting them to read it) and go to separate corners and just read. Reflect on each other’s feelings, take time to ponder on how the other is feeling and what they want, and then perhaps instead of talking about it, write out replies in each other’s books. This keeps things civil, at most levels of arguing, and helps each other to keep track of many different things.
**If you are doing this for a relationship, I would suggest not cussing in what you write. No name calling. Just voice your opinion on the matter & how it makes you feel. I also suggest not showing this to other family members. Arguments with your significant other are to be between you two, alone. Other members of your side of the family – of course it’s going to be biased… they raised YOU.**

  • Is the other making an effort towards helping you to feel better about the relationship? Do not blindly walk through a marriage, make a daily effort.
  • Have you taken advice from your significant other to reflect on yourself? If they’re not happy, perhaps there’s something you don’t realize you are doing.
  • Have you read through previous entries you’ve made? Personal growth takes time, and effort. Sometimes you can read something you wrote in the past and wonder “what was I thinking?”
  • Are they making a reasonable request? When unreasonable requests cannot be met, it’s time to take time as a couple to work on compromise – coming to an acceptable resolve to the problem that both can be, at the least, mildly happy with.
  • Have you offered any thoughts on what may make your lives better in the long run? Marriage is not the end, always look ahead and find a common goal that you both can work towards.

Other Ideas – Ways to cool that inner dragon…
**There, now you can call me a bit of a geek… I said dragon! :O!!!**

  • Don’t Exterminate – Exfoliate! (More Geek! A Dr. Who Reference) Take a long hot bath, or a shower (whatever your preference), Scrub really well, let that aggression come out of you as you scrub yourself. If it hurts, then you start calming down a little quicker (a mild warning there)… but after that bath/shower, you will feel 10 times better. As you wash imagine all that hatred and negative thoughts washing away and down that drain away from you. Breathe in the scent of your soaps as you use them (works good for some, not all). Pick yourself up a good exfoliate at the store, I prefer a good apricot scrub (don’t add chemicals to a fire, I say!!). 
  • Play a fighting video game against each other. Sometimes all it takes to release the rage is a good punch to the face… right? But let’s not let it hurt! Most people these days have so many games at their disposal, and playing a few challenging rounds against each other can leave you rolling on the floor about kicking their butt afterwards.
  • Pamper Day A day out, to yourself, is always relaxing — so long as you can afford to have that day alone. Try to plan these for days you aren’t scheduled to work. A good bath of Epsom salts for the tired muscles is great all by itself. Paint those nails, make up your face and hair, and just go out on the town. For couples, pamper each other. Rub each other’s feet… at the same time if you want. Scrub each other in the shower (no, both parties don’t HAVE to be in that tub in order to do this). Go out for dinner at a quiet spot and just focus on what you love about each other. After that day, think back and then chat about the problem that needs discussing. Things will go over, and feel, a lot more smooth.

I’m sure there are MANY other ideas out there that you can find, where you don’t need to shell out hundreds on a therapist that might not be a good fit for your own lifestyle. My best advice I can give is put faith in your own abilities to live happily. Keep the trust with those you love, stay open about everything with each other… friends, family, relationships… anyone you love. Don’t go burn a bridge with someone just because they have made you angry. Everyone is so much more than that.

Above all… don’t let the negativity spread like a wild fire. The whole globe is watching. I hope this post will be able to help a few people out. It was difficult for me, on some of these, to learn it the hard way. But perhaps these tips can help it be easier for you.

Stay blessed, everyone. Have a great evening!

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Posted by on May 11, 2015 in Uncategorized


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An Opinion: Eating on Food Stamps


Scrolling through my Facebook news today I came across a photo that Gwyneth Paltrow posted on her page, which was shared by one of my friends (pictured above). According to her she is claiming that this is what $29 in food stamps will get you for a week. I have to ask, though, where’s the meat? Where’s the flavor? The cheese? Is she saying the people on food stamps should only be allowed to drink what comes out of their tap (given they even have one, some people on food stamps don’t even have a place to lay their head)? Where’s the fruit? This photo that she shared is not even close to eating right, even if food stamps aren’t in the picture. Also, what is she saying about those who only get, maybe, $35 a month in food stamps? Not to mention those who have children, as well.

A follow up blog was written about this by Rebecca Vipond Brink (Her Post Here), speaking about this being incorrect. However, apparently this subject needs to be touched by someone who is actually on food stamps, because she didn’t get it correct, either. Even though her post is correct about Gwyneth Paltrow being incorrect, and did give some good suggestions for surviving on a budget, she went on to talk about people using food stamp benefits to pay for meals at McDonalds. Well, anyone on food stamps would know that is absolutely false, it’s written in the rules of what we can and cannot purchase with our cards. Now, I will say, that I don’t live in every state of the USA so I have no idea if, perhaps, somewhere, they would allow that… but, I seriously doubt it.

When I first began receiving food benefits, I will admit, I was not the savvy shopper and it took practice. It took me quite some time to tweak my shopping list into something affordable to my specific situation. So first, I will say, that no matter the amount that’s given to you for food stamps, they need to be used for what you need. I am honestly tired of seeing stories and blogs about people needing to “buy this, not that” and others that talk about what people on food stamps, or live in poverty, should not be allowed to purchase. People that talk about how food stamp recipients shouldn’t be allowed to purchase snacks, sweets, steak, seafood, or anything other than basic staples… that needs to stop. I have never met anyone that’s been able, or willing (even on a tight budget), to not have a treat every now and again. At the polar opposite, though, I do agree that food stamps should not be used solely to cover those items… but, that’s nobody’s business except for that particular shopper. What we choose to eat at home, as a family, is not up to anyone else other than that family and people need to stop putting their dirty hands on our food.

Here are a few suggestions that might help that tight budget stretch a little further, take them or leave them. I’m not here to tell you how to shop for your groceries, but budgeting on food stamps can be difficult:

  • Focus more on foods that need to be cooked on top of the stove. Bags of beans and rice will stretch a lot further than Hungry Man and frozen pizza.
  • Canned veggies are cheaper than fresh, although I do try to shoot for fresh when I can get it. With the right seasoning, they can be pretty tasty. (My favorite canned veggie is collard greens)
  • When my husband and I can’t afford fresh fruit, we sway more towards the bottled Dole fruits; pineapple and peaches to be more specific. The price for them is higher than a piece of fruit, but they will last longer than that piece of fruit.
  • And last but not least on my tiny list here… bread (if you buy it). Nobody really needs that special wheat bread with the extra nuts and grains. Get what you can afford. Bread is bread, and it’s filling at its basic form.

A little thank you here at the end, for reading this post. I know this is a difficult topic for many people living on food stamps, and even more so for those going through this with children. I hope this day finds you well and wish you all the best.

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Posted by on April 15, 2015 in Uncategorized


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Stuck in a Rut


Well hello all. It’s been a while since I’ve written here and, once again, I feel as though I’m a terrible blogger because I could not stick with it. It’s not that I don’t ever log in and try to start new posts, my issue stems more from never having anything I really wish to talk about. Yes, I have my hobbies.. but no new photos from that. I have my cat, but the Internet is just so plastered already with cat photographs that it would just be “yet another place where someone is talking about their picture-perfect kitty”. Not much to speak about for what I watch on Television since I have no cable… I only watch Netflix with the Roku device which only needs Internet… and everything on there… everyone has watched my favorite shows at least a million times themselves. I’m just stuck in a rut… I guess my life is boring. I see a lot of posts that I have opinions on flowing about Facebook but they’re all mostly controversial and this blog is just not the place to “head off to war” about them. I’m going to try harder at this and perhaps start carrying around a notebook with me. I’m starting to think that my many interests are short-lived.

I suppose that’s the extent of my thoughts for now… but to make this worth your while maybe a funny pic? Here ya go. Have a good one, everyone. 🙂


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Posted by on April 9, 2015 in Uncategorized


Grocery Store Iced Coffee

iced coffee

So it took quite long for us to finally get on food stamps since our move — to those that think food stamps is for losers, that’s your opinion but I can’t work due to disability. I saw these cartons of iced coffee at my local grocery store and, having wanted Starbucks since the last time I picked up a $5 iced coffee, decided to give the mocha one a try. (Mocha is one of my many loves in life).

It does not taste as good as Starbucks but it’s not that far off, either! It’s actually pretty decent and you get a lot more for your buck. I’ve had 3 cups of the iced coffee so far and there’s still some left in the carton!

To those of you that are floundering through a hot summer and enjoy iced coffee but not the price… this is for you!

Apologies for the short post, but YUM! Had to share!

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Posted by on July 13, 2014 in Uncategorized


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Blank Mind

Blank Mind – By H. J. Lockman

Nothing seems to come to me,
I only wish to write.
I keep hoping something will set it free,
I try with all my might.

I can’t find a friggin’ topic,
So I came here to rhyme.
I hope you don’t beat me with a stick,
And fill my wounds with lime.

I feel horrible I have nothing to share,
But here’s this poem for you.
A poem from me is pretty rare,
As if you needed any clue.


I hope you’ve enjoyed my blank mind,
Going to make some tea.
I hope your comments are all kind,
And not to punish me.



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Posted by on May 22, 2014 in Uncategorized


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America – Yes WE Can!



“Yes we can!” – A statement by our current US President, Barack Obama, back in 2008. This was a statement that got me thinking outside-the-box about many different aspects in my life. Now, I am NO WAY a politician nor do I have ANY interest in politics, but I have been working up a plan for our country that will eliminate the debts we owe to other countries, which is severely crushing our economy and pushing the whole country in a non-stop downward spiral. If only there was a way to get us back on track! Oh! Here’s an idea!

What if we were to take 10 cents, at a flat rate, from each and every paycheck. Let’s be honest… who really needs $0.10?? If every working American were to allow that flat-rate tax to be deducted from our checks and put towards helping America pay off it’s towering amount of debt – money afterwards could finally make it’s way back into our economy. Now I know what you maybe thinking: “What have I done to cause the country to owe that much money in the first place? I’m not responsible for their screw ups!” However, if you think about it in a different light things become a little more clear. Think of children and grand children in your families – do you want them having to live through this, or worse, when they become adults? Would you like life to begin to spiral upwards for yourself, your friends and family? I, personally, say YES! I would love to see this country get back to being the best we all can be. Back to giving us a chance to care because we’re not all scrounging around for help for our own families because we owe so much debt to other countries. I say everyone that earns a paycheck should pitch 10 cents each pay day – “Yes WE Can” pay off our debts and take charge of our lives!

Currently, according to Population Clock, America has 318,022,960 people and the clock is continuing to climb. Allow us for a moment to do a bit of math. Let us subtract babies, infants, kids too young to work, disabled, and the retired from the amount of people – we’ll make this easy and just cut the number of people in America in half for this demonstration. So if we have 159,011,480 working Americans giving 10 cents per pay check (which the norm is to be paid twice a month so we’ll go with that for this equation). 159,011,480 x 0.2 = $31,802,296 per month! Now… what could you do with THAT amount of money? I’m sure you have some ideas!

Okay… NOW!!… Here’s what we do. According to Concord Coalition, the current national debt is a whopping $16,787,451,118,147. If we were to take the $31,802,296 and pay towards the debt every single month – granted we can get the President and congress to stop spending on stupid stuff such as their gold-lined pockets and unnecessarily expensive vacations in their high-end vehicles and jets (plus whatever the hell fuels those things). We could begin to lower what we owe, which will in turn lower prices for businesses, which will lower prices for us, which will allow us to all live comfortably. However, this is all a theory in the back of my mind – but a great theory if you ask me.

I would like to add a little more inspiration to this – also a statement said by Obama: “Cntrl + Alt + Delete”. I find this is the perfect way to sum up my theory and put everything all together. YES WE CAN – Control our lives, control where our lives are going, and control parts of the future for the next generation. YES WE CAN – Find ALTernative methods to get OUR country back on track. YES WE CAN – Delete our national debt with enough team-work.

After all, no one person can fix a whole country by themselves.




Copyright © 2014 Hilary Lockman - All Rights Reserved!
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Posted by on May 11, 2014 in Uncategorized


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Getting Settled & Pictures

I am happy to report that our move was a success – all that planning and stressing over certain things paid off! I’m very proud of myself that, for once, I didn’t have to rely on parents to help me pull something this big off and feel that I have grown up a lot since my previous move (when I moved from SC to IL). I am still working somewhat on getting unpacked and settled in, but for the majority of it this place is becoming rather cozy.

Before we got started on our trip down here, we did have one issue – which thankfully turned out to be minor. The lights on the auto transport I rented weren’t lighting up and the people renting it to us had found wires inside our U-Haul that just seemed to go nowhere. Apparently, this is normal… not that I know why. At any rate, we had to wait to hear back from U-Haul – which was the end of their work day – and had to go back in the next morning (which was when we were supposed to head out) to have it looked at again because there are two places they keep fuses. So, after finding many blown fuses under the dash in the truck’s interior – we had a trailer and were on our way. After reading so many customer issues through reviews of the company, I feel lucky that was our only snag to our plans.

I have to say, it’s rather peaceful up here in the hills of Harmony. I haven’t had much of a chance to take a lot of pictures, yet, but I do have a few. Here are a couple of our new place:

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On another note, I have finally been able to start a crochet project that I’ve been planning for the past month or so. I refused and told myself that I wasn’t allowed to start until we were moved – because crochet takes up time and I needed to keep myself focused on packing and planning. It’s a really big one and if you all would be interested I can share my plans for that on here… as soon as I have enough pieces to take pictures of. But I’m getting off topic so… you all enjoy your day and I will be writing here again now that we’re back online.


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Posted by on April 10, 2014 in Uncategorized


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