Tag Archives: america

America – Yes WE Can!



“Yes we can!” – A statement by our current US President, Barack Obama, back in 2008. This was a statement that got me thinking outside-the-box about many different aspects in my life. Now, I am NO WAY a politician nor do I have ANY interest in politics, but I have been working up a plan for our country that will eliminate the debts we owe to other countries, which is severely crushing our economy and pushing the whole country in a non-stop downward spiral. If only there was a way to get us back on track! Oh! Here’s an idea!

What if we were to take 10 cents, at a flat rate, from each and every paycheck. Let’s be honest… who really needs $0.10?? If every working American were to allow that flat-rate tax to be deducted from our checks and put towards helping America pay off it’s towering amount of debt – money afterwards could finally make it’s way back into our economy. Now I know what you maybe thinking: “What have I done to cause the country to owe that much money in the first place? I’m not responsible for their screw ups!” However, if you think about it in a different light things become a little more clear. Think of children and grand children in your families – do you want them having to live through this, or worse, when they become adults? Would you like life to begin to spiral upwards for yourself, your friends and family? I, personally, say YES! I would love to see this country get back to being the best we all can be. Back to giving us a chance to care because we’re not all scrounging around for help for our own families because we owe so much debt to other countries. I say everyone that earns a paycheck should pitch 10 cents each pay day – “Yes WE Can” pay off our debts and take charge of our lives!

Currently, according to Population Clock, America has 318,022,960 people and the clock is continuing to climb. Allow us for a moment to do a bit of math. Let us subtract babies, infants, kids too young to work, disabled, and the retired from the amount of people – we’ll make this easy and just cut the number of people in America in half for this demonstration. So if we have 159,011,480 working Americans giving 10 cents per pay check (which the norm is to be paid twice a month so we’ll go with that for this equation). 159,011,480 x 0.2 = $31,802,296 per month! Now… what could you do with THAT amount of money? I’m sure you have some ideas!

Okay… NOW!!… Here’s what we do. According to Concord Coalition, the current national debt is a whopping $16,787,451,118,147. If we were to take the $31,802,296 and pay towards the debt every single month – granted we can get the President and congress to stop spending on stupid stuff such as their gold-lined pockets and unnecessarily expensive vacations in their high-end vehicles and jets (plus whatever the hell fuels those things). We could begin to lower what we owe, which will in turn lower prices for businesses, which will lower prices for us, which will allow us to all live comfortably. However, this is all a theory in the back of my mind – but a great theory if you ask me.

I would like to add a little more inspiration to this – also a statement said by Obama: “Cntrl + Alt + Delete”. I find this is the perfect way to sum up my theory and put everything all together. YES WE CAN – Control our lives, control where our lives are going, and control parts of the future for the next generation. YES WE CAN – Find ALTernative methods to get OUR country back on track. YES WE CAN – Delete our national debt with enough team-work.

After all, no one person can fix a whole country by themselves.




Copyright © 2014 Hilary Lockman - All Rights Reserved!
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Posted by on May 11, 2014 in Uncategorized


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